Dr. Ameli, Forough ، Assistant Professor

Petrochemical processes

E-mail: Ameli [AT] iust.ac.ir
Tel: (+9821) 73228772 – 77240496
Fax: (+9821) 77240286
Postal Code: 13114-16846
University of Science and Technology of Iran, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
Virtual Laboratory
Research Laboratory


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Engineering (Petroleum), Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2013

Master of Science (MSc) in Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2009
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2006

Research of Interest

Reservoir Simulation
Well Testing
Unstructured Mesh Generation Algorithms
Asphaltene precipitation and Deposition



  • Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2016
  • Energy research center of Amir kabir university of technology,2009 to 2015


  • The effect of additives on the combustion process fuel-fired power plant, Amirkabir University of technology
  • Bleaching of the condensates in Aghar and Dalan fields, Energy research center of Amirkabir university of technology
  • Economical  estimation of CCHP in Parand city using Comfar software
  • Estimating the kinetics and thermodynamics properties of asphaltene using pore network modeling
  •  Improving the numerical and analytical well test software
  • Improving the kinetics and thermodynamic software for gas storage in salt domes


  • Advanced simulation workshop, Amirkabir University of technology (2009)
  • Summer Academy Advanced Separation Technologies” at TU Berlin (2011)

Courses Taught

Level Course Syllabus
Teacher Assistant for transport Phenomena, International branch of Amirkabir university of technology
Teacher assistant of heat transfer, Fluid mechanics 1,2, Amirkabir university of technology
Heat transfer 1,2, fluid mechanics 2, petrochemical processes, unit operation 1,2,Azad university of Dezfool
petrochemical processes at Sahand university of science and technology
Heat transfer lab, petrochemical processes, Azad university, North Tehran branch
Gas reservoir engineering, petrochemical processes and fluid mechanics 2, Iran university of science and technology

Industrial interactions


لطفا به صفحه گوگل اسکولار مراجعه نمایید.


– Equation of state and PVT analysis: applications for improved reservoir modeling
